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Wisconsin Alien Encounters

Reports of real Wisconsin alien visitors and extraterrestrial sightings from current and continuing abductions to Native American oral tradition from 10,000 years past!

A lot of people have seen UFOs or strange lights in the sky, but it's a rarer case when people actually have contact with an extraterrestrial or alien visitors. Believe it or not, reports of exactly that roll in even here in Wisconsin.  Enjoy the following first hand accounts and passed down stories of alien abduction spanning back through the last two centuries on our site. We hope you'll submit your story and permit us to share it.

Unknown Location Wisconsin The Indians' Alien
An ancient tale of a man from the sky
that visited the Chippewa Indians
Frederick Bigfoot Alien type creature inside a Flying Disc
Barron A line of strange little men, were they 'extraterrestrials'?
Oshkosh Three alien encounters from the 1970's
October 15, 1973
Antigo Three alien encounters from the 1970's
November 17, 1974 (This one's bizarre)
Frederick Three alien encounters from the 1970's
December 2, 1974
Wauwatosa Another bizarre Close Encounter story
Algoma Lanky Night Walker, extraterrestrial or mistaken identity?
A Strange Man In Black Visited Algoma Years Ago
Washington Island The Little People Of Washington Island
A story from the 1850's.
Maybe they weren't aliens, but then, what were they?
Throw an Alien Themed Birthday Party!
  Area 51 Security Badge Halloween Costume Decoration  Alien Mask with Glove Hands Halloween Costume  Alien Blaster Laser Gun with Lights Halloween Costume Accessory Idea  Alien and Flying Saucer Mug For Sale
We can help, visit New Party Ideas For Halloween now for tons of ideas and huge savings!

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Alien Abduction

One of the most publicized types of contact is alien abduction. People describe strange little grey beings kidnapping them while they sleep, or sometimes even in broad daylight. The great majority of people that actually experience this phenomenon don't like to talk about it in public for obvious reasons, but there are some brave Wisconsinites who actually have told their intriguing stories.

Richland Center John R. Salter Jr.'s detailed account of his alien abduction
Unknown Location Wisconsin The Milland family alient abductions
Edgerton An interesting Alien Abduction account from 1966
Southwestern Wisconsin An Alien Abduction account from October 1988
Milwaukee Apparently, the aliens aren't the only ones doing abductions
Heidi Hollis reports that she was abducted twice by the government!
First Time: 1995 | Second Time: May 1998
Platteville The "Nodolf Incident"
A possible alien abduction from 1881
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For more Alien and UFO information visit (over 1,ooo reports)

Channeled Alien Sources

Then we have the odd (relatively speaking) phenomenon known as "channeling" where alien beings actually communicate through people. There are a few cases in Wisconsin where people have this close type of contact with perceived extraterrestrials, and the contactees are more than happy to share what they've been told.
Appleton Area

The Monn Talks Project

Monn is a human extraterrestrial who serves as the main alien contact for the The Lightside, a UFO research group. You can read more about her and their other alien contacts by visiting their web site:
  Southeastern Wisconsin Cafth is a very personable alien being that Heidi Hollis from Milwaukee is in contact with. Read the whole story by visiting:

North Freedom


The intro to this alien contact web site states that, "ZetaTalk leads you through the vast amount of information being relayed by the Zetas in answer to questions posed to their emissary, Nancy." Nancy Lieder resides in North Freedom, Wisconsin, and you can visit the Zetatalk website at:
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Alien Bases?
Finally, there are even reports circulating on the internet of alien bases in Wisconsin. Some folks claim that they're actually secret government bases and that the aliens seen there are just visitors, but who knows.
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Fond du Lac Fond du Lac area Alien Base
Elkhorn Elkhorn Alien Base?
Turtle Lake Turtle Lake
Lake Michigan Lake Michigan watery Alien Base
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Disclaimer: has not verified the validity of every report published within the  All reports are added to the database 'as is' received.  The reports posted have many possible explanations, including but not restricted to known natural earthly phenomena, hoaxes etc.  We leave it up to the individual viewer to judge the report based upon the content of the report itself.  As investigations occur, that information will be notated on the individual report.

Aliens in Wisconsin

Reports of real Wisconsin alien visitors and extraterrestrial sightings from current and continuing abductions to Native American oral tradition from 10,000 years past!

A lot of people have seen UFOs or strange lights in the sky, but it's a rarer case when people actually have contact with the extraterrestrial or alien visitors. Believe it or not, reports of exactly that come from even in Wisconsin.  Read first hand accounts and passed down stories of alien abduction spanning back through the last two centuries.