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W-File: ba_fonddulac.html

Type: Alien Base
Location: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin


Yes, UFOs are one thing.  Even as uneventful as distant lights in the night time sky, with plenty of reports and plenty of explanations.  Even when we get into experiences being reported with alien like creatures.  Again lots of stories and even more possibilities.  Alien bases not only here on Earth, but right here in Wisconsin?  Well if you believe the source listed, not just one but several:



Information received on 29/1/95.

Place: Fond du Lac.

Purpose: To keep in communication with Lake Michigan base This is done with a tunnel.

Over ground this base works as an observatory for weather changes.

They make tests with their lethal weapons here, as if this would be the real base where they keep them. A camouflage base for Homo Sapiens to know about.

It is shown to different world governments.

Exchanges are then made. To get their knew technology, the ET's get money to build their bases, and get a quota of how many people can disappear without any government interference.

This is the way how many new lethal weapons have appeared on this planet! Also other "extraordinary things", only, they give us something to keeps the government people happy, and take great care not to give anything that could be used against them!

Meanwhile we keep happily killing each other with this new "inventions".

Composed of: ET's 35 - Homo Sapiens 10 - Hybrids 32 - Ships 6 -

Source: Conversation with Monn

I personally asked Monn, the extraterrestrial contact for The Lightside, about alien bases in Wisconsin. She let me know that while there are alien bases in the state of Wisconsin, there is no base located in Fond du Lac.

I have come to trust Monn as a reliable source of this type of information for a variety of reasons that I won't go into here. Based on this fact, I would guess that most or all of the information provided at is either purposeful disinformation or just an interesting work of fiction.


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